Bubblegum Queen

$100.00 Double Fan

Sold Out

Bubblegum Queen

Bubblegum Queen is a deep rose color when the first blooms open and night temperatures are in the low 60s.

Bubblegum Queen

(Zimmerman 2023) Deep rose to bubblegum pink petals with lighter watermark and white edge. The first blooms are 8 inches on 32 inch scapes. Later in the season and on rebloom, the flowers are 7+ inches. A semi-evergreen tet, this Early cultivar is a vigorous multiplier and a reliable rebloomer. Bubblegum Queen has an average of 18 buds, with a range of 14-21 buds and three-way branching. It is a reluctant pod setter, but the pollen is extremely potent and almost always sets a pod. I have lots of exciting seedlings coming from this parent.

(Dancing Flamingo X Bubblegum Delicious)

If interested, email me. It multiplies so fast, I will likely have some available soon!

Big Pink clump

Summer 2022 during our long stretch of temps in the high 90s

Contact Info

Debra's Daylilies
1400 McAlpine Ave.
Nashville, TN 37216
Lily Auction Username:lilipod

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